

Every year the staff and students of CMC celebrate Founders Day and it is a long standing tradition to put on a theatrical production at the same time. Although run on a tight budget there is no limit to the enthusiasm and hard work involved in the production. This year, they chose to perform a […]


November 2012 bulletin

Summary: Medical Oncology Unit, Clinical Haematology, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, CVTS Programmes, Alumni Matters, BCRIC (Research Centre), Other News from CMC, Prayer Topics, Open Day 2013 Council and Board of Reference. Please download our November 2012 bulletin (PDF file)


CMC’s Governing Body meetings

Dr. Sunil Thomas represented Friends of Ludhiana at the meeting of CMC’s Governing Body in Ludhiana in September 2012. After the meetings, Dr. Abraham G. Thomas, Director of CMC wrote: Let me thank you for your help with the procurement of the Neuro-Physiology equipment. We are also grateful for your offer to help with Upper GI […]


Visit to CMC

Dr. Keith Hine visited CMC in March: here are his personal impressions. I felt a sense of optimism around CMC. Clinical throughput has improved, bed occupancy has increased and the daily income has increased to about 30 lakh R’s. I think this is mainly the result of the specialist services such as Cardiology, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, […]


CMCH doctors perform difficult bladder reconstructive surgery

A Tibetan refugee working as a daily wager in PWD at Leh came to CMCH, Ludhiana for a state-of-the-art urinary bladder reconstructive surgery. Pema Charba was suffering from urinary incontinence and weakness of limbs. Her husband, also a daily wager, supports a family with four kids. Her treatment was subsidised by the hospital. Find out […]


Welcome to our website

Friends of Ludhiana is the UK support base for the work centred at the Christian Medical College & Hospital (CMC), Ludhiana, Punjab, North India. We support the Christian Medical College and Hospital, the Christian Dental College, the College of Nursing, the College of Physiotherapy and the Institute of Allied Health Sciences. What do we do […]