I saw some years ago at first hand the Concessionary arrangements for poor patients at the Christian Medical College. On a ward round with Dr.Anna Mani (Senior Physician) during one of my spells as a Volunteer Haematologist we were discussing a case of Acute Dengue Fever (seriously ill) and in urgent need of expensive Blood Transfusion which she could not afford – we were able to persuade the administrators to provide free treatment from a Charitable account.
In the past year Friends of Ludhiana has set up a special Samaritan Fund to put arrangements on a more formal footing. A proportion of the monies we raise in the UK is now designated for this purpose. A local committee in India of Senior persons has been formed to liaise with the officers of the Council to ensure fair distribution. Perhaps the most important area in this work is the Paediatric Department where sick children are liable to deteriorate rapidly if there are delays in the start of treatment. Please give generously – your donation could save a life.