The Department of Biochemistry and Department of Pathology teach the medical, dental and nursing students and train laboratory technicians to Diploma standard. Both departments also provide routine and special investigations for patients, some services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are problems with space in the laboratories, but it is hoped that a new lab complex will be created once permission from the authorities has been received. The Blood Bank processes blood components for use in patient treatment and it is estimated that 95% of donors are the relatives of patients. An exciting ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) thalassaemia screening programme has been running since 2000.
Praise God for
- new equipment in these departments
- the recent opening of new blood bank facilities
- improved accuracy of testing which has resulted in a higher level of patient referrals
- recognition from ICMR and resources for the thalassaemia programme
Pray for
- closer working relationships amongst the Pathology Department staff
- more improved equipment to support a high level of service
- the development of a new lab complex to ease pressure of space
For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no-one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. … for precious is their blood in his sight. Psalm 72 v.12-14
The Department of Radiodiagnosis (Radio-logy and Medical Imaging) offers both conven-tional and specialised investigative procedures. Alongside general X-rays, interventional radiology, ultrasound, MRI and CT scan services are available to patients. The department undertakes a training programme at undergraduate and postgraduate level and trains radiographers. As well as a dedicated department within the hospital, X-ray equipment is also found in the Trauma Centre (A&E) and trained radiologists and radiographers can be found throughout the hospital.
Praise God for
- the continued successful training of radiologists and radiographers
- provision of modern equipment providing an updated diagnostic facility, particularly an MRI scanner, the first in the region
- developments in computer technology which allow x-rays to be available to doctors on the wards
Pray for
- further commitment of staff to improving patient care with Christian love
- plans in hand for upgrading the radiographer training to degree status and additional well-qualified teachers
- the provision of new imaging modalities
Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. Proverbs 1 v.5