
Chairman’s Thoughts June 2020

The whole world remains in the grip of the Coronavirus and some countries are beginning to witness a second spike in infection.  The count of positive patients and the number of Covid-19 deaths in India are both increasing exponentially and the health service in various cities [Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad] is being submerged under the onslaught.  It has also been recognised that in some areas [such as Chennai] there has been considerable under-reporting of the disease.


CMC is the Covid-19 hospital for Ludhiana. They have set up an out-patient clinic to see patients suspected of having Covid-19.  Some of the patients visiting that clinic have been admitted and others have been discharged, many to self-isolate at home.  The latest figures we have from CMC show that 448 patients have been seen in the clinic.  A total of 198 patients have been admitted to the isolation ward – 165 adults and 33 children.  Forty patients have died as in-patients from suspected Covid-19 although testing was only positive in seven which probably reflects the lack of testing kits.


As in the early months in the UK there is a significant shortage of testing kits for coronavirus.  This does call into question the Indian national figures of 12,500 deaths [as at 19 June] since these are only deaths which were proven to be due to Coronavirus.  In the nation as a whole 380,000 have tested positive but there is probably a vast number of patients who have the virus and many may have died without testing.  Added to this is the fact that only 75% of deaths in India are registered.  I suspect that coronavirus is a much greater problem than the published figures presently suggest.


To date, Friends of Ludhiana has sent a total of £28,500 to CMC to help with the expenses of establishing the Covid ward.  We are grateful to our supporters who have contributed financially.  We will soon be sending further donations to help the work.  Although Covid patients are being transferred from the Civil Hospital to CMC, finance does not yet appear to be following them. Thus the financial position of CMC is being further compromised by the provision of treatment for Covid-19 patients.


Please continue to remember in prayer the CMC staff who are under a lot of pressure providing health care for this group of patients as well as the usual workload passing through the hospital.



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