First a huge thank you to those who have already sent donations in anticipation of problems for CMC. As you can imagine communicating with the hospital is difficult at present: they have too many other things to do, but I will tell you what I know.
Rev. Alex Peter says “It’s complete lock down. 14 more days to go. But hospital is working. And we have duties.”
The picture shows the newly created Covid-19 zone ICU and emergency room and the new general trauma area in ward 2. They are being dedicated in a short service led by Alex Peter. Pray many lives can be saved there.
The Civil (government) hospital has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CMC to send all positive patients to CMC. Eventually the government should pay some money towards the costs for these patients, but that will take some time. With the lockdown, revenue is completely drying up.
As of yesterday CMC had 9 suspected cases of Covid-19 awaiting test results – one has already proved positive.
As in the UK, the supply of PPE (personal protective equipment) for staff is proving difficult. Friends of Ludhiana is in the process of transferring funds to Ludhiana for the purchase of these packs. Even this is not easy as the banks are having problems with money transfers due to lockdowns in various countries.
Kind regards, Rosemary
Coronavirus Update