Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the works of our hands
Psalm 90:v17 (RSV)
Holistic Healing is accepted as the primary framework of Care Giving. Praise God the Fellowship Department is given the opportunity to carry out the spiritual, emotional and pastoral aspect of care-giving in CMC.
With a team of eight staff members, each morning the Department visits the relatives of patients assembled in different waiting areas, and also some bed side visits in designated wards. During late evenings Evg. Raju Abraham visits the wards to speak to patients and their relatives with surgery planned for the next day.
Every Sunday afternoon ward services are conducted in the general wards with singing, a small devotion and a prayer. The willing participation of the patients and their relatives to join in is very encouraging.
Please pray for these two requests
- Admission Counselling on 5th & 6th Sept for MBBS (Medical) Under Graduates and BDS (Dental) Undergraduates. Pray these students will be guided to the right courses and will settle quickly into life at CMC. For some it will be the first time they have been away from their families and they will need to adjust to living in a student hostel.
- Governing Board on 8th & 9th Sept. Pray these meetings will be an opportunity to reflect on past successes and failures, and to plan for the future.