A Thanksgiving Service for the life of the late Joan Constable was held at Ashbourne Methodist Church in Derbyshire. It was a very sad time for the close-knit family, several of whom took part in the service. Joan was the widow of Guy Constable who was Professor of anatomy (1958-71) and Principal (1962-71) at CMC Ludhiana. Joan wanted to serve the Lord and make Him known, which she did at CMC Ludhiana at her husband’s side and continued for the rest of her life. She was described as “this warm and caring Christian woman” who led “a wonderful life of witness and caring”. The family was very pleased that several ex-CMC folk were present.
The photograph shows Rev Ian Aldersley (Pathology), Ursula Hyde (now a Trustee of Friends of Ludhiana), Dr Mary Eldridge (was at CMC, then served at the Landour hospital Mussoorie) and Rev John Mall (former Chaplain in the Fellowship Department).