More answer to prayer. Finally the batch of 2020 has been allowed back to CMC. They were only allowed to stay one day when they arrived in September, then they returned to their homes. Under the guidance of Dr Abhilasha Williams, Vice Principal, under graduate studies, they have completed a modified Foundation course condensed to […]
Prayer and Praise February 2021
Answer to prayer: During Advent Rev. Alex Peter asked for prayers for an effective Covid vaccine. The Government of India is providing the Covid vaccine free of cost to all healthcare workers. CMC has been vaccinating since January 16th. CMC is one of five hospitals in Ludhiana carrying out a vaccination programme. At CMC the […]
Prayers for Advent 2020
The Rev. Alex Peter and the Fellowship Department are doing their best to support everyone at CMC at this difficult time. Please support them by praying with them. 1. Pray for an early but effective Covid vaccine. We are receiving encouraging news about vaccines but any vaccine needing to be stored at -60 C would […]
As Christmas approaches again it is good to look back over the year and recall difficulties and problems and appreciate that we serve a God who is intimately interested in us and is ultimately in control. We also look back with gratitude at the blessings He has poured out on us. CMC Ludhiana has not […]
Prayers for Advent 2019
“If we died with Him, we will also live with Him. If we endure we will also reign with him.” (2 Tim. 2: 11-12) 1. Pray for the new batches joined in the Medical, Dental, Nursing & Physiotherapy colleges. Pray that all students will settle easily into their new lives and always be conscious their […]
Prayer and Praise Easter 2019
Give thanks for the first year of the new administration, and the team building by the Director and his deputy as they try to support all the staff at this difficult time. Pray that all staff will work together to provide the best care for the patients. Give thanks for the first 125 years of […]
Prayer and Praise April 2018
At our last Council meeting of Friends of Ludhiana UK, we resolved to make Monday 23 April 2018 a Day of Prayer for The Christian Medical Colleges and Hospital Ludhiana. You are invited to join us on that day at any time, where ever you may be. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the new Director […]
Prayers for Lent 2017
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guards keep watch in vain.” Alex Peter writes “By God’s grace one more term of the Fellowship Department’s ministry in CMC, Ludhiana is getting completed. As a department, God gave us the opportunity to enter […]